Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Vertically aligned carbon nanofibers grown with silver paint spread over before growth

This is unpublished data. Some related information can be found in these references:
silver_1paint thick_4.tif

silver_5paint sec_1.tif

silver_5paint sec_2.tif

silver_5paint sec_3.tif

silver_5paint sec_4.tif

silver_5paint sec_5.tif

silver_5paint sec_6.tif

silver_5paint sec_7.tif

silver_7paint sec_1.tif

silver_7paint sec_2.tif

silver_7paint sec_3.tif

silver_8paint sec_1.tif

silver_8paint sec_2.tif

silver_8paint sec_3.tif

silver_9paint sec_1.tif

silver_9paint sec_2.tif

silver_9paint sec_3.tif

silver_10paint sec_1.tif

silver_10paint sec_2.tif

Silver with vertically aligned carbon nanofibers

silver_1paint thick_3.tif
This is unpublished data. Some related information can be found in these references:

Silver paint after growth of carbon nanofibers

This is unpublished data. Some related information can be found in these references:
silver_1paint thick_2.tif
AR18/silver_growth/silver_1paint thick_1.tif

Saturday, August 10, 2013



STEM images of vertically aligned carbon nanofibers

  • Vertically aligned carbon nanofibers and related structures: Controlled synthesis and directed assembly, Melechko, A. V., V. I. Merkulov, T. E. McKnight, M. A. Guillorn, K. L. Klein, D. H. Lowndes, and M. L. Simpson. Applied Physics Reviews (J. Appl. Phys.), 97(4): p. Feb. 15, 2005, 041301-39. (full text)

E. coli biofilm grown on VACNF electrodes


E. coli biofilm grown on VACNF electrodes

  • Vertically aligned carbon nanofibers and related structures: Controlled synthesis and directed assembly, Melechko, A. V., V. I. Merkulov, T. E. McKnight, M. A. Guillorn, K. L. Klein, D. H. Lowndes, and M. L. Simpson. Applied Physics Reviews (J. Appl. Phys.), 97(4): p. Feb. 15, 2005, 041301-39. (full text)
H031208_3 after striping for rework_3um_4um.tif
  • Vertically aligned carbon nanofibers and related structures: Controlled synthesis and directed assembly, Melechko, A. V., V. I. Merkulov, T. E. McKnight, M. A. Guillorn, K. L. Klein, D. H. Lowndes, and M. L. Simpson. Applied Physics Reviews (J. Appl. Phys.), 97(4): p. Feb. 15, 2005, 041301-39. (full text)

H031208_3 after exposure_20sec_PR_07and PR_30_coating by 2000rpm1.tif
This looks like an array of VACNFs is buried in the photoresist. The bright white stripes are due to charging of photoresist surface by the electron beam of SEM.

  • Vertically aligned carbon nanofibers and related structures: Controlled synthesis and directed assembly, Melechko, A. V., V. I. Merkulov, T. E. McKnight, M. A. Guillorn, K. L. Klein, D. H. Lowndes, and M. L. Simpson. Applied Physics Reviews (J. Appl. Phys.), 97(4): p. Feb. 15, 2005, 041301-39. (full text)

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Au thin film annealed at ??

AuNi nanoparticles

This is an SEM image of VACNF grown on Si with AuNi nanoparticles. Did I get the particles from Joe? Who did the growth? The file label is bad. TM1 cannot be traced to any growth labbook entry. The image is taken with Hitachi at CNMS judging by the font on the info bar.

  • Vertically aligned carbon nanofibers and related structures: Controlled synthesis and directed assembly, Melechko, A. V., V. I. Merkulov, T. E. McKnight, M. A. Guillorn, K. L. Klein, D. H. Lowndes, and M. L. Simpson. Applied Physics Reviews (J. Appl. Phys.), 97(4): p. Feb. 15, 2005, 041301-39. (full text)