Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Vertically aligned carbon nanofibers grown with silver paint spread over before growth

This is unpublished data. Some related information can be found in these references:
silver_1paint thick_4.tif

silver_5paint sec_1.tif

silver_5paint sec_2.tif

silver_5paint sec_3.tif

silver_5paint sec_4.tif

silver_5paint sec_5.tif

silver_5paint sec_6.tif

silver_5paint sec_7.tif

silver_7paint sec_1.tif

silver_7paint sec_2.tif

silver_7paint sec_3.tif

silver_8paint sec_1.tif

silver_8paint sec_2.tif

silver_8paint sec_3.tif

silver_9paint sec_1.tif

silver_9paint sec_2.tif

silver_9paint sec_3.tif

silver_10paint sec_1.tif

silver_10paint sec_2.tif

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